Configure IP Multicast config-lite for Fabric Connect
Before you begin
Create a VLAN. For more information see, VLAN Configuration using EDM
About this task
Use this procedure to dynamically create a VRF on one of the reserved Layer 3 VSN VLANs. The dynamically created VRF, l3vsn-<I-SID number>, obtains the I-SID number from mvpnIsidValue. You can enable SPB Multicast on the VLAN without configuring an IP address.

If you are using a DvR leaf instance, the VRF name is l3vsn-<l3isid>.For additional information about the tabs referenced in this procedure, see the following sections:
- In the navigation pane, expand .
- Select VLANs.
- Select the Advanced tab.
- In the appropriate VLAN row, for mvpnIsidStatus, select Static.
- In mvpnIsidValue, type the I-SID number.
- Optional: In mvpnIsidOffset, type the MAC offset value.
- Select Apply.
- Optional:
Configure a routed SPB querier
source IP address:
- Expand .
- Select IGMP.
- Select the Interface tab.
- In ExtnRoutedSpbQuerierAddr for the appropriate interface, type the IP address.
- Select Apply.
- Return to the tab.
- In the appropriate row, for SpbMulticast, select enable.
- Select Apply.